
Academic service, affinity work, and workshop organization

Reviewer engagements

  • Transactions of Machine Learning Research, 2024
  • International Conference on Learning Representations, 2022, 2025
  • International Conference on Learning Representations – workshop proposal reviewer, 2023, 2024
  • International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics 2022, 2023
  • International Conference on Machine Learning, 2024
  • Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2021, 2022, 2023 (top reviewer), 2024
  • Conference on Robot Learning, 2024
  • Robotics: System and Science 2021

Workshop organization

  • Robot Learning @ NeurIPS, workshop chair 2023
    • organized and served as program chair for the Robot Learning workshop at NeurIPS 2023

Departmental service

  • Student representative 2022/10 - 2024/10, GAC, Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto

I served as the student representative on the Graduate Affairs Committee, which serves to advise the chair on all matters that involve the structure of the graduate programs, including course work, admissions, checkpoints and exams, and grading.

I also lead a grassroot effort to improve graduate student compensation which we joined with wider efforts in Canada.

  • Application review, 2022, Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto

Aided in the review of graduate level application to the Department of Computer Science.

  • Student representative, 10/16 - 10/18, Senate Committee on Studies and Teaching, TU Darmstadt Darmstadt, Germany

I was a student delegtae on the senat’s committee for studies and teaching, responsible for reviewing the study plans of all departments in the university.

  • Member of the board, 10/2016 - 10/17 and 10/18 - 10/19, Board of the Department of Computer Science, TU Darmstadt Darmstadt, Germany

I served as the elected student member of the faculty board, representing 3000 students at the department. As part of this, I was a member of several faculty appointment commissions, and contributed to the complete overhaul of the Bachelor and Master curricula in 2020 which are currently (2024) used in Darmstadt.

Affinity work

Queer in AI

Core organizer since 03/2020

Queer in AI is an affinity group aiming to create an inclusive and welcoming space for queer researchers and AI practitioners.

Highlights of my work include being a workshop chair for our NeurIPS event 2021, and organizing social events at ICLR 2020, RSS 2022 and RLC 2024.

I also managed the mailing list and advised on many additional events and activities.

Conference of Aspiring Students in Tech – Rhein-Main Darmstadt, Germany

Organizing committee 06/18 - 03/19

I was a part of the organizing comitee for the first CASTrm, a conference targeted at students aspiring to become researchers.

My contributions include helping to write price winning concept, and serving as program chair for the conference.